Former Cat Sanctuary Photo Gallery

Here you can see how our cat sanctuary project evolved from the very beginning.

We started out in 2012 without any financial means, in a ‘borrowed’ vacant apartment, without water nor electricity supply, where we placed a few second-hand chairs, some old blankets and lots of cardboard boxes.

Media Gallery 2012 -2013

  • It's been a year!
  • Tommy's Memorial Corner Room
  • Supplies already here!

Media Gallery 2015 

Our first ever fundraiser allowed us to buy new cat furniture and make their catrooms more cozy. Here you can see some photos of our Cat Sanctuary logistics, circa 2015.

Media Gallery 2015 – 2017

Here you can see some close-up pics of rescues enjoying the comfort of their new forever home!

Project ‘CHANGE ONE LIFE’ aims to change transitional housing into permanent housing to provide homeless cats with a safe environment in which to stay for as long as they need to stay and to live with the dignity they deserve; ultimately a place they can call HOME.

If you want to support our Cat Sanctuary, please consider making a kind donation TODAY!

  • Safety & Freedom –  All our rescues will be able to roam freely in a safe environment, with outdoor areas especially customized for felines.
  • A promise is FUREVER! – All our rescues will find in our Cat Sanctuary, a safe, warm, loving home for LIFE!
  • Volunteer work– We, as their caregivers, will be in charge of feeding and caring for all the cats at the Sanctuary, as well as providing proper vet care whenever needed. Cleaning the Sanctuary and doing their laundry is OUR responsibility. No staff is hired.