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Cheeky, 2 – Orphaned kitten. Found starving and in distress. Fed outside the Sanctuary for 5 months. Rescued in November 2023. 

Frankie, 2 – Orphaned kitten. Found starving and in distress. Fed outside the Sanctuary for 5 months. Rescued in November 2023. 

Angel, 12 – Abandoned. Stomatitis/Deaf. Rescued in September 2013. Deaf orphaned kitten found in distress trying  to fend for himself.

Gigi, 15 – Abandoned. FLUTD / FIC Special dietary needs. Rescued in November 2013. Found in distress roaming the streets.

Blackberry Melody, 11 – Feral.  Amputee. Rescued in 2014. 8-week-old orphaned feral kitten found injured, trapped in a wirefence.

Kitty, 14 – Feral. Strabismus. Rescued in 2013. Very sick feral mama cat with mastitis, found in her colony next to her dead kittens .

Chloé, 10 – Stray. Osteoarthritis/Special dietary needs. Rescued in April 2016. Stray mama cat with mastitis found crying for help on a rooftop.

Vito, 13 – Feral. 3-week-old orphaned kitten, rescued along with his mom and sibling at a farm, in May 2012. Mom and sis were adopted out.

Mimi, 9 – Rejected. Rescued in 2016. Malnurished 6-week-old orphaned kitten, rejected by sick biological mama cat (Chloé).

Suzie, 8 – Abandoned. Rescued in November 2017. 4-month-old orphaned kitten found in distress and disoriented, at a parking lot.

Molly, 11 – Abandoned. PTSD.  Rescued in 2015.  Abandoned inside a box at a feral cat colony. Signs of abuse and neglect, fleas and tick infestation.