What the future holds
Dear supporters,
At long last, I’ve finally found the time and strength to sit and write this newsletter to update you on our current situation.
Since last summer, our lives have been an emotional roller coaster. As we were fighting our way to court to avoid eviction, suddenly, we lost our beloved Oliver within less than 48 hours, after six long years battling with diabetes.
A few weeks later, still mourning for the loss of Oliver, we also lost our beloved baby boy TJ in the most unexpected way. The healthiest cat we’ve ever had, was gone within a few days; we still can’t wrap our heads around it.
We are shattered, both inside and out, we haven’t been able to overcome so much pain, so many problems and so much fear.
However, after twelve years in cat rescue, fighting for survival day in and day out, Jackie and I have finally come to terms with the fact that when we made the decision of giving it all up to help homeless animals, we also gave up on ourselves, and that what our future holds is not much different from our present:
- Constant and painful losses.
- Endless vet appointments.
- High expenses on health care and meds as rescues get older.
- Not a day off in 12+ years.
- Feeling constantly worn out.
- No “calling in sick” when we feel ill.
- Renouncing to having an ordinary life; no vacations, no weekends, no travelling, no dining out.
- Being unable to make a living and generate a steady income to have a home where we could all be safe.
- No future pension nor our own home to retire as we get old.
And that’s the price those who devote their lives to saving animals must pay to do what they do.
In our case, with the aggravated circumstances of being an older couple with lack of financial resources, away from our homeland.
So, although we’re heartbroken, powerless, and broke we’re still here fighting for them, very much aware of the consequences of the path we chose and decisions we’ve made, as well as the fact that now they only have us…
The world has turned its back on animal welfare and the fate of feral and stray animals relies on a few good people who voluntarily carry the weight on their shoulders, just like we’ve done for more than a decade. But despite the sacrifices animal advocates make, it’s never enough, it’s just a drop in the ocean considering the magnitude of the problem.
As we head towards the end of the year, our main goal is to stay in good health and keep surviving until the court sentence that will decree our fate is given. According to our lawyer, summer months have delayed the legal process, but the court notice should arrive no later than December.
So, we must keep rolling until the end of the year and get our fixed expenses covered.
Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and the small income Jackie and I generate online, we got some of them covered: food, meds, cat litter, water and electricity, and the monthly subscription fee we pay to get discounts on vet bills for checkups, lab tests and small procedures.
What’s not covered though is the largest fixed expense we have: RENT.
So, if you find it in your heart to contribute with a small donation to help us secure rent until the end of the year, please CLICK HERE to make your kind contribution.
Thank you all for reading me and to those of you who decide to give us a helping hand, I thank you in advance.
Blessings to all, Paul